Screening Procedures and Guidelines:
The purpose of this document is to share information regarding the safety precautions and safety procedures for Hickory Public Schools. With the support of our parents/guardians, students, staff, and community members, we will have an exciting year filled with academic and social/emotional growth.
Face coverings are required for all K—12 students and staff on each campus and school bus. Students and staff are responsible for care of their masks. Limited exceptions as stated in the NC Governor’s executive order. If your child needs a mask, please contact your child’s teacher.
Social Distancing
Social Distancing guidelines will be followed throughout each school. Barriers
and modified seating arrangements will be used to promote social distancing in the
classroom. Markings and signs will be located throughout the school to remind students and staff of the guidelines.
Regular handwashing breaks and access to hand sanitizer will be required procedures. A reduced number of students will be allowed
in the restroom at one time. Hand sanitizer stations will be available at the entrances to the school and throughout the building.
Health Screening
Health screenings will be conducted prior to each student, parent, staff member, or visitor entering the school building. Students/Parents will be asked a series of questions and the student’s temperature will be taken. If a temperature of 100.4 or higher and/or any covid-like symptoms are present, then the person must leave and follow the return to school protocol.
If a student or any member of their household is experiencing symptoms, all students in the household will be asked to quarantine according to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services guidelines. The school nurse and/or principal will communicate the length of the quarantine for each student based on the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school nurse.
June Sisti - Jenkins Heather Stamey - Oakwood/Viewmont Krystal Morgan - Grandview/Northview
Susie Baer - Longview/Southwest Cindy Stancavage - Hickory High/HCAM
Requirements: All students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, all staff, and adult visitors on buses, inside school buildings, and anywhere on school grounds, including outside.
- Face covering vs shield (NCDHHS FAQ document): Cloth face covering is the requirement with exceptions. The Executive Order 147 states that face shields can be used for individuals with difficulties wearing cloth face coverings.
- State issued
- Dress code: Will follow dress code guidelines such as ensuring the face covering is appropriate
- Face covering breaks: Guidance does allow for breaks in wearing the covering at times and in settings where risk for transmission is lower
*NCDHHS Memo-Details on Cloth Face Coverings Being Supplied The evidence continues to show that wearing a cloth face covering is the most critical tool we have in our arsenal to protect against the spread of COVID-19. This is why on July 14, 2020, DHHS updated the state’s public health guidance for K-12 schools to include that all K – 12th grade students, teachers, staff and adult visitors wear cloth face coverings, unless the person (or family member, for a student) states that an exception applies, or the person is eating, drinking, or strenuously exercising. Face coverings must be worn by K-12 students, and all teachers, staff, and adult visitors inside school buildings and anywhere on school grounds, including outside. Face coverings will also be required while traveling on buses or other school transportation vehicles.
To support meeting these requirements, the state is providing five cloth face coverings for all K-12 public school students, teachers, and staff. In addition, the state has also provided “starter packs” of personal protective equipment (PPE) to public schools that included a two-month supply of thermometers, surgical masks, face shields and gowns for school nurses and delegated staff who provide health care to students. Click here to read the entire memo: Details on Cloth Face Coverings Being Supplied for all K-12 Public School Students, Teachers, and Staff (7.27.20)
All classrooms will be cleansed twice daily (morning/evening) with additional sanitization on a day when students are not in attendance on campus.
In addition, the following actions/supplies will be part of the daily routine:
- Temperature check stations (kiosks, buses) upon entrance
- Hand sanitizer: bottles and dispensing stations
- Sneeze guards/Face Shields (checking into and requesting information from teachers for need)
- Lysol/Paper Towels
- Gowns
- Hand wipes
- Gloves
- Signage Equipment for Nurses: face shields, face masks, gowns, gloves, thermometers