Hickory City Schools Rebranding

Hickory City Schools Rebranding
Posted on 02/27/2024
This is the image for the news article titled Hickory City Schools RebrandingHave you noticed the fresh changes happening around us lately? If you've seen a new logo, vibrant colors, and a modernized touch, you're witnessing the exciting rebranding of our district!

You might be wondering, "What happened to Hickory Public Schools?" Well, get ready for a shift—we're rebranding BACK to Hickory City Schools! This change reflects our commitment to embracing our roots and moving forward with renewed energy.

Our new logo mark, a tree, is a representation of our community. Just as a tree's roots intertwine and branches spread, our community is made up of individuals from various backgrounds and cultures, all coming together to create a strong and vibrant whole.

The softened and modernized colors and typography further amplify this message, showcasing our dedication to staying current while honoring our heritage.

But that's not all—be on the lookout for the unveiling of new district and school websites coming this summer! These platforms will reflect our updated identity and provide better communication channels for our community.

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